[01/14] Let's take a gander at some 16x16 Game Boy-era RPG walk cycles.
[02/14] Makai Toushi SaGa / The Final Fantasy Legend

The bread and butter of RPG walk cycles. Up and down facing sprites simply h-flip a single frame, while the left and right sides have two unique frames.

It animates while characters are stationary and gets the job done.
[03/14] Dragon Quest III

Another title where characters animate between 2 frames while idling. It goes the extra mile by utilizing individual left/right directions and 2 unique frames for the up and down positions.

All the designs in the game share a uniform base.
[04/14] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

The characters in this game feel incredibly unique. Another 2-frame loop, with some characters (Link) having individual art on all 4 directions.

Just like Final Fantasy, characters only bounce on left/right movement.
[05/14] Pokémon Crystal

Swinging ball hands! Characters bounce when facing any direction unlike its contemporaries, and also utilize a 4-frame loop on the up and down positions rather than 2-frames.
[06/14] Bomberman Quest

Hot damn is this game pretty! Bomberman pivots, he bounces, and he kicks his foot at the camera. The characters and monsters feel mostly non-uniform, with only the Bombers sharing a design.
[07/14] Velious II / Rolan's Curse II

A personal favourite of mine. Every character is interesting and well-designed with 2 unique frames for the up, down, and left/right directions.

A bold choice to use the dark gray palette on these sprites.
[08/14] Mario Golf

An incredibly rare decision, these sprites feature a single-pixel center making them asymmetrical.

Camelot really came through in shrinking the Mario cast to these 16x16 sprites. Bowser looks especially intimidating!
[09/14] Gargoyle's Quest: Ghosts 'n Goblins

Wait, Ghosts 'n Goblins had an overworld? Well Red Arremer's spin-off sure did. The sprites feature an interesting white outline to make them pop from the background, but are otherwise the usual h-flip fare.
[10/14] Lufa: The Legend Returns

A walk cycle that sets itself apart with some curved elbows and decent perspective. Characters unfortunately feel very uniform, and there's a few too many stray pixels for my liking, but underneath all that is a great walk cycle for a great game.
[11/14] Metal Walker

Has -anyone- heard of this game? A robot RPG by Capcom, it features asymmetrical sprites similar to Mario Golf. There's not much going on in terms of animations, but the characters all feel interesting an distinctive.
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