Two more comments: first, why is it that no one else seems to comment on the fact that the woman attempted to murder the first girl who fell down backwards? She tried to stab *two* people, and that right in front of a cop. No one mentions that. Why? Second....
I have not seen anyone comment on the GUY who is so vile he KICKS the girl who has fallen down in the head and then has the gall to start screaming at the officer, "She's just a kid!" just kicked a girl in the head and then get all righteous all of a sudden? WHAT?
Put yourself in the officer's position for a second. The 911 call specifically mentioned "trying to stab someone," so let's assume that has been communicated to him. Here comes someone with an 8-12 inch knife (I am estimating) who does not seem to even notice the officer.
She attempts to stab one girl, who falls at his feet, and then turns on the other, large, very deadly knife in full view. And now we have the audio that makes it clear, she boldly states it is her intention to stab someone.
In any sane world, as far as the officer is concerned, this case is closed. He did what he was trained to do. The real question is, why would a 16 year old girl try to kill other girls right out in the open?
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