Going through perhaps the most overwhelming couple weeks of my life.

I am reminded of this Marcus Aurelius quote:

“Nowhere you can go is more peaceful, more free of interruptions, than your own soul…Retreat to consult your own soul and then return to face what awaits you.”
In times of stress and fatigue, looking into yourself and finding that hidden strength or resolve, taking a minute to re-center and reassess priorities, is something I have been undiligent toward lately.

Life is stressful sometimes, and change can be anxiety-inducing.
"Today, I escaped anxiety. Or rather, discarded it," the philopspher writes. "Because it was within me, in my own perceptions, not without."
The philopspher king is more right then wrong. Oftentimes, my anxieties are driven by externals, rather than internals. The problem becomes when I allow those external stresses to become internal.
Not that there is any point at the end of this thread, homies just going through a lot rn
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