Okay so this is going to be a way-too-long thread about Nier and how it gets treated by reviewers

Nier is an absolutely wonderful game that reviews poorly because the things that make it such a wonderful piece of work are incompatible with how traditional reviews function
Because this is twitter I’m going to get the disclaimers out of the way first:

- Game reviewers get more shit than they deserve and this isn’t me calling anyone out
- This isn’t me being upset about low review scores, or insisting that everyone should be giving Nier 10/10
The thing with Nier is that it’s more than the sum of its parts. It’s not just a clumsy ARPG with janky combat, it’s a game that feels like a passion project, one filled with love in every aspect
The entire game oozes atmosphere. It’s a world of subdued melancholy that you immerse yourself in.

Personally, I feel the quality of that atmosphere and the love that’s gone into it outshine any issues with the combat, visuals or mission design
Not everyone is going to feel that way, and honestly that’s fine? Different people like different things.

But reviewing Nier often means having to make a definitive judgment one way or the other
We’re kinda past the argument about “walking simulators” now thankfully, and most reviewers seem to have accepted that exploration games where not much happens can hold an important kind of artistry, precisely because they’re about experiencing atmosphere
But we still don’t apply that logic outside walking simulators. As soon as we step outside that obvious label, we stop considering a game’s atmosphere and immersion because hey, we’ve got some gameplay to focus in on now
This is obviously not to say that Nier’s combat shouldn’t be critiqued, but in a game primarily about story and atmosphere it shouldn’t be used as a stick to beat the game to death with (so long as it’s functional, at least)
But that’s the problem with making a judgement on Nier. Will you get absorbed in the world like its fans, or will you bounce off the game because you don’t find it fun?

God only knows, I can’t make that decision for you. You’ll probably already know if this appeals or not.
Neither of these opinions are wrong, but traditional reviews have to try to be objective. Atmosphere and love aren’t objective. Gameplay mechanics and graphical style can be.

The other thing you can be objective about is how it stacks up to other games
But I honestly feel like this is another gap between how reviewers review games and how people actually consume them. I know a ton of people who are loving Outriders, but it got somewhat average reviews because it’s too similar to other shooters
Similarly, Sleeping Dogs got average reviews for being in the shadow of GTA, but gained a cult following.

So the question usually posed by reviewers is, why would you play Outriders if (other game) is objectively better?
Well, because they’re different games?

Different people are going to find worth in different ways, and consuming media isn’t about always dedicating yourself to consuming the absolute pinnacle of the craft at all times

That’s a good way to become a pretentious dickhead honestly
I don’t like making examples with other mediums because video games are their own thing and should be treated accordingly, but have you ever listened to an early album by a band and loved it because it’s rough around the edges? We should think that way for games too
Nier is, ultimately, a game you have to make up your own mind on. Even though I love it, I can’t pretend that everyone will

Obviously not everyone is going to be able to commit to multiple hours and a £50 game to work this out, but I don’t think reviews are an alternative either
I don’t really enjoy gaming YouTube, but when it’s not being toxic as fuck it actually offers a good solution to this. If you’re not sure about Nier, then finding someone who you usually agree with and watching them play some of the game might genuinely be the best way to decide
(But if you do decide to pick it up I truly hope you can see what me and the other fans see in it, because it’s truly wonderful)
ANYWAY I said this thread would be too long

Nobody’s going to have gotten this far

Raccoons only beyond this point
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