Handling home isolations:

1. Keep the main door of your room shut, you can keep other windows open that do not open in home.

2. Keep a chair or a stool in front of your door so that anyone who is giving you food, etc would keep it over there only.

3. If possible to arrange for disposable utensils nothing better than that. Give a garbage bag, so that everything gets collected in it in the room only. Patient has to sanitise it and keep it outside the room once full

You can wear gloves and throw it out.

4. If no disposables, give 1 plate, etc whatever is needed for food so that patient can wash inside only. When they keep it on the chair outside, just transfer food from other utensils and not keep changing them.
5. Try washing your clothes on your own if possible else you can dip them overnight in soap or detergent. Remember soap acts against virus - that’s why hand washing is recommended?

6. Even if you’re going out of room to pick anything from chair, wear a mask! It’s a must
7. Sleep - as much as possible - sleep. It helps you recover faster and timepass Achha hota hai.

8. Mandatory temperature checks at least thrice a day and SpO2 check at least 5-6 times a day.

9. Try maintaining your sleep cycle - despite oversleeping don’t miss meals
10. Meds on time please! If you have any discomfort tell your family!

Keep in touch with them via phone call, messages or video calls whatever suits you the best. This even helps in maintaining your mental balance, you won’t feel left out/ alone
10. Food habits: try having lighter food, your body anyhow wouldn’t accept a lot of food because of medicines

11. Maintain oral hygiene - proper brushing twice a day, gargles, chlorhexidine mouthwash rinses - proven research has been done on this
12. Maintain your calm, try doing some breathing exercises, do steam inhalation, keep a check on medicines, if you feel the need - doctor asks for a refill - order them before they are exhausted, try not to break the cycle of medicines - you need to complete the course
13. Try walking here and there in your room only - if you’re feeling comfortable maybe pick a book, read, watch movies (for sometime only, try giving rest to your eyes)

14. Take proper dose of vitamins as prescribed during isolation and check with your doctor post isolation also
15. A quick check on - sanitisers, masks, get a few pair of gloves if possible.

For washing clothes add dettol or savlon to it - keep them soaked for a while before you wash.

In case if you’re using the same washing machine - make sure patient’s clothes are washed separately
16. Do not wear cloth masks once you have a positive patient around. They are highly not recommended due to lack of filter layer inside. A minimum of surgical 3ply mask to be worn by everyone including the patient himself whenever opening the door also.
17. Try to sanitise entire home everyday - you can add regular disinfectants available in the market - they work fine.

18. Make sure patient is isolated for 14 days at least. Once you get the negative report only then come out of isolation.
19. Once out of isolation, try to sanitise the entire room of the patient as well. This is a must.

Few local bodies can help you with this, if you can afford @urbancompany_UC also provides sanitisation for the homes. Try that.
20. 2 people positive in a family should also be isolated separately. Everyone’s immune response is different.

Hope this makes your journey comfortable, feel free to ask any questions.

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