When your eyes are opened to duplicity and abuse, your life will get lonelier if you speak about it truthfully. When I encourage people to see the truth, I'm not proposing that's going to make your life easier in any simple way.

It won't.
You will be mocked, slandered, targeted by smear campaigns. You will lose a great deal, or most, of your former friends. Even if they don't join the abuse against you, they will ghost you. They will sit silently while you are traduced.
I have a much smaller circle of friends than I've ever had. I'm thinking of it as a reset. I suspect I was too quick to get too close to too many people I hadn't really "vetted" for true frienship. Social media leads us into this.
The majority of people are not that strong against social pressure. They're not made of stern stuff. That doesn't mean they're actively bad. But they're not dependable, they're not tough, and they will go along with lies more often than they should.
People will try to hurt you, and most people will not object to it. You will see the true character of many people you thought kindly of.

People hate truth-tellers. I don't mean that in a self-aggrandizing way. It's just the way it is.
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