No More Deaths is a humanitarian organization that does a wide variety of work to support those most impacted by the US's xenophobic and inhumane immigration policies. #nomoredeaths #NoOneIsIllegal #mutualaid #anarchiststudies (1/12)
These policies force desperate people into dangerous desert crossings - leading to a massive surge in unnecessary death and suffering. This cruelty is inexcusable and the death must end! (2/12)
The history of the border is one of racism, colonization and land-theft. Immigration in the US is a cycle of welcoming migrants for cheap labor then enacting inhumane legislation to harm communities of color whenever it benefits white nationalist politicians. (3/12)
NAFTA, enacted in 1994, opened up commerce between the US and Mexico, allowing the US to export “cheap” raw materials heavily subsidized by the US government, such as corn. (4/12)
Thousands of Mexican farmers became unable to compete, destroying many small farms and hindering Mexico’s food self-sufficiency. NAFTA cancelled Article 27 of the Mexican constitution, which protected indigenous land from sale or privatization. (5/12)
For example, the section of border in the Sonora desert where No More Deaths operates was stolen from the Tohono O’odham Nation. The border now divides the community in half, separating families and restricting tribal members from free movement across their own land. (6/12)
Economic hardships created by NAFTA led to an increase in immigration across the border. At the same time, the US initiated a policy of cruelty and border militarization. City areas became uncrossable, funneling more people into crossing the desert. (7/12)
Those apprehended are often denied basic human rights. A report by No More Deaths details over 30,000 incidents of mistreatment & abuse by border patrol, including refusing to give water to those severely dehydrated, viciously beating adults... (8/12)
... & children during apprehension & while in custody, subjecting those detained to torturous conditions like extreme temperatures, confiscating belongings, denying treatment to those with life threatening injuries, & transferring those apprehended to remote facilities. (9/12)
The US not only has the largest prison population in the world, with over 2.2 million incarcerated, it also possesses the largest immigration detention system. Increasingly facilities are being privatized, run as for profit businesses. (10/12)
The border is not just a reality along the Southern United States, it is present in all of our communities. (11/12)
When homes and workplaces can be raided, families separated, thousands incarcerated, and lives lost because of being “undocumented,” it becomes all of our responsibility to dismantle the structures that cause this harm. (12/12)

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