We must separate. This is not left vs right anymore. The class of people currently controlling large cities is running full speed ahead toward a culture that is unrecognizable to the rest of us - Democrats, Republicans, and libertarians alike.
In this brave new world, you wear a mask forever because breathing might get someone else sick. Even after everyone who wants a covid vaccine has one, you still do this. Because why not? Other countries wear masks. It's your social responsibility. Erase yourself, protect others.
There are no police in this brave new world. Criminals are the ultimate victims of an unjust society. Their misbehavior is our fault. We failed them, somehow.
Dissent is not tolerated in this brave new world. Your words cause other people harm. Be quiet. Stay in your lane. Opinions are only for people qualified to have them, as long as they arrive at socially responsible conclusions.
Self defense is not a thing in this brave new world. This isn't about guns or knives. Wanting to protect yourself at all is a moral shortcoming. The person attacking you is the true victim. The community will help you heal if you deserve it.
You enforce order in this brave new world. You are the police. If your friend steps out of line, you disassociate. Or your friends will do the same to you. Keep your social credit score high, or enjoy being denied access to stores, healthcare, transportation, and recreation.
Technology will help us navigate this brave new world. With apps it will be easy to tell who the responsible people are, and who you should avoid. Who gets service, and who doesn't. Who is associating with deviants, and who is doing their part.
This brave new world is not for me, or anyone I know. The furthest left person I've ever met doesn't want this. They simply disagree that we're here. Please, if you're reading this, look around. You're being absorbed into a culture I know you don't want.
You can follow @whchapman.
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