All the MTV talk really makes me think about how badly they dropped the ball on MTV Classic. Just the laziest/lamest use of one of the most amazing libraries in existence. Absolutely no fan engagement, just a total afterthought.
1. Grouping videos by GENRE instead of ERA is completely *opposite* of how everyone interacted with MTV from 1981 to like 2003. You watched Alice in Chains and you watched En Vogue and you watched Aerosmith and you watched PM Dawn. You just watched videos!
2. Pan-and-scanning everything to fit your HD TV is not "classic" by any stretch of the imagination

3. No one wants NEWLY curated "120 Minutes" or "Headbanger's Ball" or "Yo! MTV Raps" with all of the weird also-rans cut out. Just play the old shows!
4. Yo, how boss would it be to have a website where people like Cyndi Lauper and the B-52s and DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Toadies could talk about their new stuff and tell war stories to an engaged audience? Seems like a no brainer, right?
None of this stuff is even that expensive! You could accomplish all of this with like four people!
It probably costs more to make one episode of Spongebob than it would cost to make a whole year of “MTV Classic but actually good”
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