i'm watching CSI: Miami because, you know, why not, and it is a treasure trove of celebrity appearances.
for example: adam scott did it in this one
channing tatum may have done it in this one.
paul welsey might have done it in this one. then again it could have been emilie de ravin!
guys i gotta tell you that neither paul welsey, emilie de ravin, or channing tatum did it in their episodes.
Tamara Taylor did it in this one.
Kirsten Storm, aka Zenon Girl of the 21st Century, did it in this one
Did Zac Effron do it in this one??? He's a child but apparently.
and Mozzie's in this one!!!
It was either Broyles or the arch-angel Gabriel in this one. Sorry to the 0 out of 399 people following this thread for mixing the objectively famous celebrities with the characters only interesting to me!
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