First of all Patrick Harvie flat out lies about the Forensic Medical Services Bill and @JohannLamont's amendment. It made "no difference in law" which is interesting as "sex" is the legally defined term and excludes those born male.
The reason is not hard to find, having said that people could request a "woman", by the end of the interview, Harvie is giving his definition of women - which is, of course, based on self ID.
He is also keen to stress (twice) that ALL the feminist groups agree with him. This isn't quite true, of course, the Gov funded groups who failed to address women's concerns re GRA are in line. The reason groups like ours exist is because of this failure.
Not that you'd know that from this interview. Patrick ranges between calling women "transphobes", "racists" and "the US Christian alt right".

Mo rightly, points out that she is not transphobic - Patrick is having none of it.
People say they aren't transphobes like people say they aren't racist, apparently (does this apply when Patrick says he isn't misogynist?)

There is no place, thunders Pat, for transphobia (ie advocating for women to have female medical examiners after rape).
So, what about Andy Wightman? asks the interviewer.

Pat claims they have open debates. The fact that anyone brave enough to "openly debate" Mr Harvie will be publicly branded a bigoted agent of the alt-right & therefore might be deterred seems to elude him.
But, fear not! The SGP "women's" policy was devised by the SGP women and Rainbow Greens. They sound nice, don't they?

Co-convener of the women's group is Emz Cuthbertson, a trans individual who likes to boast of using female only spaces in rape shelter and thinks the Equality Act is transphobic. So, totes on the side on women.
Most parties would have removed a person like Eilidh weeks ago, but this is SGP.

So, a group of male-born individuals, some with extreme paraphilias, are the people Harvie thinks best qualified to adjudicate on women's rights and women are the extremists?
I don't know whether Engender, RCS and SWA really believe that Eilidh and all Eilidh's chat about nappies and what is found inside them is really someone who poses no safeguarding risk, but Harvie seems to think this normal and acceptable.
They should know that behaviour like this accelerates. The time will come to pick a side. Whose will they chose?

We know where we stand and so does Patrick Harvie.
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