A story about how after 13 years you can take the girl out of East London ...

Last week our daughter woke up at 4 and couldn’t get back to sleep.

While I lay awake with her, I heard something unusual...
The squeaking sound of brakes as a car drove slowly up our road, stopping often...

Compelled by my inner neighborhood watch instinct, I jumped out of bed to see what was going on
I saw a white van, easing up the road and stopping every few cars.. and the beam of a flashlight moving around suspiciously

At the end of the road it sped off, and I sped off to call the police, non emergency line.
After reporting the attempted crime I continued to alert the neighbors to be careful... a burglar was on the loose 😱
Last night she was up again at 2am for another marathon. Sure enough, a few hours after... the creeping brakes again...

I woke up my husband. “They’re back! Go look out the window”
He springs out of bed, assessing the situation.

Turns back to me calmly and informs me that I called the cops on the milkman.

... can’t take East London out of the girl..
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