pedophilia ///

If you confide in me that you have chronic intrusive thoughts of a sexual nature about children, and that you have coping methods that don't harm real people, we're chill.

If you tell me that you identify as a "minor-attracted person", we're not.
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One is an identity! The other is a Thing You're Going Through!

The first also means the people you're talking to for help and bonding with are largely people with intrusive thoughts, not "people with minor attraction". Focus is different.
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That's what I have to emphasize the /most/ here. The problem that Prostasia and the MAP community thinks they're uniquely positioned to fix? i am totally fine with. I detest and am repelled by how they try to fix it and think it's intensely, horrifically harmful.
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(And if you currently identify as a "minor-attracted person" but this is resonating, that's okay! you can change the words you use and how you identify and like - rethink your approach.)
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You (probably) have more in common with people w/ hypersexuality, OCD, bipolar, PTSD, etc. than you do with other people who may try to use the MAP label.
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