Which option do you prefer?

A. I flip a coin. Heads, I give you $100,000.
Tails, you get nothing.

B. I give you $1000.

What is the single most underrated trait a person can have?

A thread...
Of course, like 90% of people, you’d take the $1,000, even though the expected value of the gamble is $50,000.

In economics, the $49,000 difference is called risk premium.

If you’re willing to take on risk, you stand to gain a large reward.
The reason most people aren’t is that they spend their entire lives chasing certainty

"When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float.

When you hold your breath, you lose it"

- Alan Watts

The only solution is "Detachment"
What is detachment?

It is the art of being okay when life sucks, because you’re removed from the expectation that it pans out a certain way.

It allows higher demands and not settling for less.

Ask not for certainty, ask for the best.
Benefits of learning detachment

- You can swing for home runs instead of second base, because you don’t need the $1,000.

- You can always say how you feel, because you’re not worried about whether your feelings will offend others
- You don’t worry about being wrong, because it doesn’t matter if you’re right today or tomorrow.

- You’re free to say “I don’t know,” because you don’t feel pressure to look smart.

You only get one life. Swing for the fences.
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