in other news, stop retweeting the people you hate. seriously. took me a while to learn that, but we're all better when we don't do that.
exactly. people sending things that are the opposite of why anyone follows them. not that you should serve your twitter followers, per se, but i think you get my point.
there was a time i did it because i felt people who agreed with those folks silently needed to hear the truth, and i used the dummies as a tool to do that. not much silent anything anymore. the utility of that is gone.
also, stop going into my mentions and replying to the people i'm clearly ignoring. i can't understand seeking out strangers for this.
my father and i were talking about how we need to read up on more of this because just throwing around the term "attention economy" didn't land for me like it did when i read this column. so much of modern life was explained.
cut that sh t out, too. why do you want to share their madness at all? just so you can say something funny and impress your friends? honestly, most of you aren't that f ckin insightful anyway. you just wanna vent and show what side you're on.
serious question: do people really pay attention to their own likes on twitter? i have honestly never given likes any thought.
that's not quite it. i've always been curious about retweets because i see that as representing spread. but likes? i rarely even click like on stuff here. had no idea for years what currency they were on twitter. ig, i kinda understood. twitter? no.
i've also never used an app that informs me of likes or native retweets. maybe that's where i'm missing out on the phenomenon.
if i liked it that much, i'd retweet it. plus, some of you click like on any damn thing.
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