Next up is Ernie Garcia, CEO of @Carvana. #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: COVID forced people to change habits and try new things. “What we just saw was a massive acceleration of kind of the speed with which people started to hear our message and hear our message is appealing.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: Wholesale price appreciation now is “unimaginable. And retail prices so far haven't kept up. And it's such a unique time.” Carvana doing best it can to take advantage of opportunities. #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: “We also buy a lot of cars from customers and you tend to see bigger benefits in buying cars from customers when vehicle prices are appreciating.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: “We've heard rumblings that we’re a dumb buyer of cars and maybe to some degree we are. But I don't think that that plays out in the data.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: “Sometimes we're paying more for a car in a certain market than might make sense in that market. But it makes sense once you put on the website and you ship it to another market.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: Carvana inventory levels “are definitely lower than we wish they were.” Says it was tough to ramp up reconditioning capacity through the waves of COVID. #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: “I think in order to achieve our goals, we're going to we're going to have to keep opening inspection centers relatively quickly. And I think we're getting better at that as a company.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia: Says long-term goal is two million-plus units a year. “And I think, you know, the two million is relevant and the plus is relevant.” #ANWorldCongress
Garcia says he doesn’t think Carvana should be “an immediately scary thing for dealers. But that’s not an assessment for me to make.” #ANWorldCongress
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