not picking on b/r in particular here, because our industry has been indefensibly pathetic in how we portray tillman and what he represents.

a reminder that his family ain't here for the nonense is here:
tillman's a great test of one's ability to view things with nuanced eyes. can one see heroism in him while opposing the war? can people support the military -- using a broad term there but you get it -- while acknowledging that military let him down in life and death?
instead, my industry uses him as a mascot for a lot of things an informed person *knows* he wasn't about, or certainly wasn't about after he'd spent some time in afghanistan.

again, how we use pat tillman is absolutely pathetic.
and the last thing: all the love folks supposedly have for military families, while we've flatly ignored the tillman family. PAT TILLMAN'S FAMILY.

good luck to anyone who tries to bring the bullsh t to me on this one. you'll flatly be telling on yourself.
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