What's going on here? The Mechanical Turk (fake) pranked inventors into making radical technological advances (real)... Which means all these things were already possible, but they didn't seem plausible.

The Mechanical Turk expanded the range of the plausible. https://twitter.com/gordonbrander/status/1385245747071787008
Reality is under no obligation to be plausible... but inventors are. Which makes plausibility a social constraint on invention. https://twitter.com/stewartbrand/status/1027297792417398784?s=20
Demo or die?
Plausibility is a failure of imagination (Clarke's 2nd hazard of forecasting).
So, what kinds of things expand the range of the plausible?

Prototypes (looks-like, works-like)
Proofs of concept
Existence Proofs
Analogous systems
A broader understanding of history
Exposure to nonlinear systems
Scenario Planning
Science Fiction

What else?
Yes! Seeing what's possible and plausible outside of your bubble. https://twitter.com/jtaylorhodge/status/1385256014753173505?s=20
tfw the possible demolishes your plausible https://twitter.com/KaseyKlimes/status/1385260693990133766?s=20
Beginner's Mind https://twitter.com/Zen_Moments/status/1374973998719762432?s=20
Bracketing. Constructing your own plausible. https://twitter.com/novysan/status/1385253024982044673?s=20
You can follow @gordonbrander.
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