Since there are a lot of people waking up to the danger of critical theory, I think it's important for people to understand how the grift occurs. Please watch & share this short, 6 minute vid.

Academics expose corruption in Grievance Studies via @YouTube
@ConceptualJames @peterboghossian @HPluckrose exposed that they could write real papers using critical theory that posited really crazy ideas, and they would be accepted as academic research as long as they had a particular political bent.
These including a re-write of a chapter of Mein Kampf from a feminist perspective where white male replaced Jew; a paper that posited that studying incidences of "dog rape" and how to stop it could be applied to humans; the notion that straight 3/
men who receive "receptive anal eroticism" can lead to less homophobia/transphobia; and masturbation as a form of violence to name a few.

Academics have been laundering ideological ideas through the academy for some time now. Once these ideologically-driven ideas are 4/
accepted as "research", policy-makers are able to use them to support destructive initiatives such as equity, culturally response frameworks, restorative justice, and systemic racism.

However, the "research" has never passed through any rigorous form of peer review. 5/
Instead, these research papers are reviewed in a highly politicized and internalized group think bubble. Sample sizes used in these papers trend to extremely small N samples. Often, these papers are nothing more than autoethnographies which are 6/
papers written from an individuals personal point of view - i.e. their lived experience. Many times those sampled during these research papers are the researchers friends. I.E. there's no rigor or control.

Outside of policy makers, activist journalists 7/
also use this "research" to create stories. They invite these activist academics onto their news shows and provide a platform where normal people think, "well, so and so is a PhD so they must be legit". In reality, these "academics" are extreme political ideologues 8/
who want to push an agenda.

So this is how the grift occurs. This is how the country, and the Western world, is being gaslit into believing that what they're seeing is normal. People can sense that somethings off but they're not fully aware of the grift. 9/
We need to stop surrendering our critical thinking skills to "credentialed" people. We need to start doing the research ourselves. Please share this video so normies can wake up to the madness. e/
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