There is a specific kind of person on here who constantly argues Trump should get credit for the vaccine rollout, and that kind of person is absolutely obnoxious.
No, he gets no credit.

He did absolutely nothing. Scratch that, he did worse than nothing.

He attacked doctors, attacked masks, pushed for reopenings while thousands were dying a day, deliberately ignored the virus having had notice of it arriving months in advance.
"He should get credit for Operation Warp Speed"

Oh you mean the program that OTHER PEOPLE came up with that he had no involvement in and actively worked to crap on? That one?
Or how about all the ventilators and medical supplies he bought and never actually received or distributed?

How about all the millions and billions he wasted on bullshit like hydroxychloroquine that we can't get back and can't give that shit away?
Or how about all the PR bullshit he did selling treatments that didn't work to the public, like Remdesivir, which the FDA had to revoke authorization for after he was out of office?

Or how about telling people to ingest and inject bleach?
"We wouldn't have vaccines at all if not for him"

Do you not realize that in the presence of a global problem, companies and organizations will seek to develop a solution they can profit off of?

The idea that all these scientists and companies would have just sat on their hands and miss out on all the good will and reputation building and billions of dollars, is just so insane that you have to be an absolute moron to believe it.
The only thing he did was kill hundreds of thousands of people through malice and negligence.

That's it.

He gets credit for murder.
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