I really love how open and giving you are with us, Tash. you’re reminding us to parent ourselves too! https://twitter.com/SupernovaMomma/status/1385241073207885826
I think Tash’s openness makes some ppl uncomfortable *because* they don’t see that they can parent themselves as well as the kids in their lives. when I learned about reparenting the adult self, I had so much resistance to the concept. I thought it was too late for me.
I gave myself a chance though. and every day I have a reason to keep going on that path. we are taught that parenting stops when you become an adult. so we don’t always have examples of being parented when we’re grown.
it’s possible. I see ppl in my life and on my socials doing it. it’s work. you’re worth it. I promise you are.
it won’t look the same for everyone. some ppl have therapists, support groups, or 12 step groups. some folks rely on close friends or family. some of us are using books and journaling. maybe all of these.
lately I’ve been exploring the adult children of alcoholics literature and newsletter. the 12 steps aren’t the big draw for me. let me introduce you, if you’re not familiar!
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