Every platform wants to win Creators™️. Good. Finally. If they *really* want to win, the strat + execution plans need to line up. Strategy: what are the vectors of competition? Execution: what are the milestones/KPIs they choose to track team/company success? A few ideas.🧵(1/7)
Vector 1: Economic sustainability. Who gets the most creators to "ramen profitable"+ & keeps them above that threshold longest? // KPIs: use $15 min wage benchmark, then total creators above PT/FT threshold, then % of users who stay above threshold by streak. (2/7)
Vector 2: Emotional sustainability. Who can give creators most time for R&R? // KPIs: (1) Ratio of KPIs from Vector 1 / time spent on admin surfaces; (2) CRs on # of integrations attempted/completed; (3) Involvement/engagement in creator communities (proxy for belonging). (3/7)
Vector 3: Community & data portability. Who is confident enough to compete on product benefits vs. lock-in? Pretending communities don't exist x-platform = feigned ignorance that creates sub-par creator/community UX. Open up; alts will. // KPIs: % internal API avail to 3pp. (4/7)
Vector 4: Payment optionality. Each creator is on a journey. At the beginning, % fees + platform as merchant of record can make a ton of sense. Later, flat fee + creator MOR likely better. Let the creator decide; make it easy to switch! // KPIs: Can creators decide (y/n)? (5/7)
What's missing? What resonates? I love startups, but based on scale alone, biggest positive shifts will come when largest co's don't just compete, but compete on the right vectors. Constructive pressure should come from everywhere: other bigcos + startups + creators + reps. (6/7)
P.S. I know I'm conflating KPIs / measures / milestones. This is because I'm tweeting. Thank you in advance for your understanding and compassion.
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