Thank you feet for all the places you take me & the adventures you let me have. I don’t take you for granted & make the best use of you that I can

This not a pic from now; my feet are covered in blisters 🤣

Why am I thanking my feet, you ask?

Thread (1/12)
It’s 11 years since surgery on my left ankle, & ~18 years since right ankle surgery

I have a rare disease that makes the soft tissues that should support a joint prone to stretching & breaking. My ankle was no longer capable of supporting itself

Standing or walking unaided were not possible. Prior to surgery, I wore an orthotic which went from just underneath my toes to my knee. It allowed me to walk independently & some freedom but it certainly wasn’t a fashion statement 🤣

The surgery (which I’ve had on both sides) involved taking a bone graft from my hip & wedging it in the space that would normally exist between the little bones in the feet, creating a solid bony bridge where the ligaments had failed to do their job.

Consequently, neither ankle now has very much movement (no side to side, & minimal up & down). My gait is unusual, I don’t have much proprioception (knowing where my feet are in a space) so I’m more likely to fall or slip, & bc of the limited movement, descents are hard

I concentrate much more on my surroundings than most people: is that slippy? Beware of that kerb, don’t stumble on the uneven ground, is that too step to walk down? Can I balance there? I can just remember what it’s like to just walk without a continuous risk assessment 🤣

I loathe scooters & bikes sneaking up on me the sidewalk demanding I move out of the way with too little time. They don’t see someone with a disability nor understand how it makes me feel nervous & scared.

So I think it’s safe to say that walking requires a lot more physical & mental effort for me than most people.

BUT I LOVE IT!! I love the fresh air, feeling the sun or cold or wind on my face. I love walking in urban & natural landscapes

I love walking around neighbourhoods, experiencing sights, smells & the ambience of a place, seeing street art, the backs of building, underused alleys. It provides creative opportunities for my other love, photography.

Walking in nature affords me a connection with the landscape & the wildlife that lives there which is not possible by car. Also more great photographic opportunities!

I don’t take for granted my feet or my ability to walk, everyday I am grateful to be able to do it

I encourage you to go experience your surroundings on my foot, feel the air filling your chest & the gentle fatigue of your muscles as they tire. It is amazing. Share the space respectfully & be nice to one another #pathsforpeople

P.s. I challenged myself to walk 21km (a half marathon) this weekend. I’m pretty sure I can do it but if not whatever I walk will be an achievement & celebration

(Cc: @Cold_Runnings )

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