Let’s talk. Breakthrough infections (infections in vaccinated individuals) are to be expected. Why? The vaccines are not 100%. Never have been. Otherwise, our vaccine trials would all have reported 100% efficacy, and they didn’t. However, here some vital things you should know.
For one, we all know the most alarmist headlines or messaging will get the most attention and media coverage. It is to be expected. It has already happened. What’s important for you to know is that as long as these breakthrough infections are leading to severe disease and worse
in the infected, and transmission of the virus itself remains limited, that vaccine is indeed still doing what it was designed to do and that breakthrough should be considered a minimal concern. Let’s talk about frequency. These breakthrough infections are expected to be highest
soon after after the first dose and go down over time. Why? Remember immunity is NOT INSTANTANEOUS. You have to give that vaccine time to work. Full immunity is not considered established until 14 days after your second dose. This is personally why I took issue with those who
deemed the study in Israel as a “breakthrough” of B.1.351 because all infections occurred prior to the administration of the second dose and there were no cases detected 14 days after the second dose had been given. Next, we have to consider the frequency of breakthrough
infection will differ when we consider region, variants present, and demographics, especially when we consider high-risk groups. I have said it many times, but despite what you have seen in the media, to date, there is not a variant present that has “escaped”
vaccine- induced immunity. Vaccines are preventives, not cures. As long as that vaccine is preventing you from facing severe disease and worse, it is doing exactly what it was designed to do so get vaccinated when you can, and be cognizant of media and messaging. Thank you.
Also yes, there is an “are” and it should be “aren’t.” As in “as long as breakthrough infections AREN’T-.” I loathe not having an edit button. Lastly, the rate of breakthrough infections should go down the more people are vaccinated. More vaccination = less transmission.
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