Some direct questions from @ColinDMello about the death and destruction his gov't has allowed and caused.
Pivot to borders. Vaccines. "the buck stops here"
Then another strong q from @l_stone - what are you sorry for?
"We moved to quick" (it is getting hard not to swear). We never locked down the parks - if cities wanted to, that was their choice!
"Everything you did on friday seemed like the opposite of what experts said" - @l_stone follow up. "Different views from many different doctors. They all have their opinions".....jesus.
Parks parks parks mobility - barely anything still about workplace. Pivot to blaming feds for sick leave etc. "we will do it ourselves. we will have the best program in north america".
Ford doesn't answer the question of does he regret he killed paid sick leave when elected. Pivots to feds again.
Last question. 6 or 8 questions, all told, in the massive crisis. @Travisdhanraj : "how is the gov't not responsible when gov't ignored experts for a very long time" -- "we've taken all the measures.....extreme measures...millions of rapid tests...closed schools...
...lists more stuff, doesn't answer question. Pivot to vaccines. Fin.
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