Closing playgrounds and golf courses was a desperation move by a dogmatic big-business government that would rather do literally anything other than treating workers with the absolute bare minimum level of dignity implied by paid sick leave.
Black, Indigenous, racialized and working-class people have consistently paid the highest price - in lost income and increased precarity, in risk of infection, serious illness and death, in denial of all mechanisms of protection afforded to whiter and wealthier communities.
Vaccine distribution - largely a free-for-all in which people with the most resources have gotten the most access to vaccinations while the people and communities at highest risk have had the least access.
When communities with a high proportion of Black, Indigenous and racialized folks do get access to vaccines, people line up for blocks to get vaccinated. But apologists for inequity still try to victim-blame by suggesting "vaccine hesitancy" is behind the disparity.
The government backed down quickly after the backlash against closing parks and giving police arbitrary powers to card anyone. But Black, Indigenous, racialized and working-class people have *always* had less access to greenspace and more exposure to carding.
What does it say that Ontarians as a whole seem to be more furious about the government closing playgrounds than about the government persistently refusing to keep vulnerable essential workers safe?
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