1/You may be a warrior for #Truth #Transparency and do great at telling the T-verse that non physicians practicing medicine is #Fraud! It’s done w #Intent2Deceive and must be exposed so patients are not receiving care #WithoutInformedConsent 🔥
2/It’s time to take a step back and look at the whole picture. The Birds Eye View reveals the #BigHealthCabal. Corporatism is engulfing our society and not just in medicine. We are losing any voice as #WeThePeople. Corporations even have legal stance as “a person”. Smh.. Bullies
3/ Healthcare is the industrial complex of corporatized Medicine. It’s not just medical care but all elements that generate revenue. It’s not about patients but patients’ wallets. Patients/Physicians don’t guide care-bean counters w corporate clout do
4/ #BigHealthCabal is all who profit off illness. So who are the players? Hospitals/ growing Hospital systems w mega mergers run by multi million $$ C suits! Insurers.. who also limit care and inform care givers on which care to give! IT that creates pre formatted care plans
6/BigChain pharmacies vertically integrating w insurers and PBMs to form primary care replacement health hubs staffed by cheaper, more malleable, replaceable care widgets who stick to formulary whole all gain $$. Think tanks paid by all above to influence policy in their favor
5/ Universities.. who charge highly inflated prices to ed physicians. Gaining massively w new non physician substitute degree mills! PBMs/GPOs;layers of wholesale middlemen that jack up prices and get legal kickbacks inflating prices! Controlling supply lines pushed into China
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