rewatching the Arise gameplay trailer just gets worst and worst. They kept the shitty SC system from Berseria. I thought it was similar to the CC from Xillia. This is NOT what I want from Tales. The fact that they're carrying that system over from Berseria is not a good sign
on the future of the series. Because it is going on three games that use that system in a row(ToB was an evolution of ToZ). It further cements my idea that Tomizawa doesn't actually understand the series and what the fans like. You didn't evolve shit.
I swear to god, I swear to god if the game after Arise is like it I'm done with the series. Which breaks my heart because Tales of is one of my most beloved franchises.
Early Impressions of Tales of Arise
Pros: Graphics, can jump in overworld, basic attacks
Cons: No victory animations, SC system, arte trees, no multiplayer, gear system(1 weapon, 1 armor, 1 acc)
But don't worry! At least they still have paid costumes. Which is always a bad sign to future of in-game costumes. I'm glad I sat down and re-watched that trailer because all of my worst fears are coming to light.
Tomizawa is gonna run this series into the ground, same as God Eater and I don't know why I expected anything less from him.
God Eater is ass, go play Monster Hunter.
Code Vein is ass, go play Dark Souls.
All they are is pretty and do a good job of capturing the "anime feel"
God, this is just so depressing for me. I've never felt like this about a series before. They were going for the Persona approach and it's obvious but the difference is - Persona knows what its fans like and appealed to them AND a new audience
Arise looks like it's just trying to appeal to a new audience with some things that hook the old fans into coming back. I want the best for Tales too, I want it to thrive but if Persona could do it why couldn't you?
You know what upsets me the most? Knowing full well I'm still going to buy Tales of Arise. Knowing that the only reason, ONLY REASON, I'm playing is to see how the story plays out and then proceed to drop it just like I did Berseria and Zestiria
I still play games like Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia, etc to this day. Know why? Cause they are fantastic games!! Symphonia is chock full of side content with an incredible story. Abyss has a great story and fun gameplay. And Vespy/Xillia are powerhouses of combat
people who stumble across this thread might think I'm just ranting, and to a degree I am, but you can't deny there is some truth to the things I'm saying.
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