The reaction to Chauvin's trial is not only another data point in the Right’s "secession" from the rule of law, it highlights underlying psychological dysfunction:

The Right is projecting.

Let’s examine their "secession”, & the recent incidents of Right Wing “mob justice”. 1/
A feature of Trumpism is the Right’s abandonment of principle, ethics, morality, and concern for the "collective good".

Instead, every occurrence/event is viewed through the lens of a collectively narcissistic, zero sum political/tribal calculation…..2/
As a result, the “law and order” crowd not only refuses to accept any legal proceeding/outcome that does not further their political/tribal/culture war objectives, but they undermine the faith in democracy, government, & the judicial system w/claims of Deep State conspiracies. 3/
In doing so, the Right has essentially “seceded” from the rule of law.

Some examples:
The Right seceded from the rule of law when they celebrated Steve Bannon being pardoned prior to the due process even having run its course…4/
The Right seceded from the rule of law when they celebrated the clemency and pardoning of Roger Stone… 5/
The Right seceded from the rule of law when they corruptly refused to convict a president impeached for extorting a foreign ally to interfere with democratic elections.

This corrupt secession from the rule of law not only led to countless deaths….8/
…but it left a corrupt, treasonous, sociopathic narcissist in office & provided him, along w/a complicit Republican Party & Right Wing Media Echo Chamber, a second opportunity to undermine democratic elections & destroy trust in the electoral process…9/
The Right seceded from the rule of law when they refused to honor 60+ state, federal and supreme court cases that, similar to the FBI, DOJ, and DHS.....concluded that the 2020 election was not stolen. 10/
And now, despite incontrovertible evidence in the conviction of Dereck Chauvin, the Right once again secedes from the rule of law.

The Right wanted an acquittal, and subsequent riots by the black community, so Republicans could run on “law and order” in the 2022 midterms. 11/
When the acquittal (and the riots) didn’t occur, the Right created the next best thing for Republicans in the 2022 midterms:

Implied riots….“mob justice”.

Let’s examine “mob justice” through the lens of the 2020 election: 12/
In Michigan, after Trump tweeted “Liberate” armed “mob” stormed the state house.

A plot to kidnap the governor would later be discovered/thwarted…...17/
……and yet, Trump spoke with Narcissistic pride about how much the Michigan mob "liked" him.

This event foreshadowed events that would occur nine months later when……18/
…an insurrectionist “mob”.....

......incited by Trump, Republican seditionists including Cruz/Hawley/Gosart/Gomert, and the Right Wing Media Echo Chamber......

......stormed the Capital, and disrupted the peaceful transition of power. 19/
None of this was surprising.

Many, especially in the mental health community, predicted this would ultimately be a consequence of Trump’s disorders….. 20/
On Feb 10th, a Philadelphia election commissioner pleaded with Republicans to consider the Trump-led attempt to rule-by-mob when voting to convict Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Undoubtedly, Republicans did consider "mob justice", because…..23/
…. if congressional Republicans were willing to destroy American Democracy over fear of Trump’s base voting them out, then there was no way in Hell that they were going to protect democracy when the Trump mob was threatening to “take them out”. 24/
There is no better example of "leadership" by fear of Right wing "mob justice" than: Lindsey Graham

Lindsey went from declaring, “I’m out…..enough is enough…we’ve gotta end it”……25/
……to claiming he will shoot “gangs” with his AR-15. Was Lindsey referring to the gangs at the airport who ridiculed and humiliated him? Was it THAT mob that “persuaded” Lindsey to slink back to the safety of Trump sycophancy? 26/
This country has been immobilized by "mob justice" since Trump took office.

The mob ruled by threat of exacting revenge (being primaried) at the ballot box.

On January 6th, "mob justice" became literal. 27/
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