Many of you know that @darrenrovell is an ardent supporter of @zed_run. For a bit of fun, I dug into his stable ( and mined a bit of data. Pristine Stables only has 3 places and 0 wins, but his holdings indicate he's heavily betting on Zed's success.
Pristine Stables owns 12 horses; however, only one of them (Larrikin) has actually been raced. The remainder of his horses are unraced (Griffins). He has 8 fillys, 1 mare, and 3 colts -- indicating he will become a breed farm once that function is active again.
Focusing on the breeding, Darren's entire stable is made up of Genesis horses, with a total estimated value of 65 ETH (~$166.7k). All of the unraced horses are either Nakamato or Szabo bloodlines. This puts Pristine Stables in a good position for residual returns on bred horses.
Pristine Stables has been accumulating these horses since late-March. Based on the data, Pristine Stables acquired 4 horses through the 4/02/21 drop (minted) and acquired the remaining 8 through private transfers. Note: no purchase price data was available on the blockchain.
Pristine Stables has a few preferred trading partners including KingBeaver Ranch, Comstock Stables, and DrewVentures. It is noted that Old Hawthorne Stables is another farm owned by Darren, which currently holds a raced Legendary horse (0 wins, 0 places).
In conclusion, it's clear Darren is invested in Zed Run which is why he is adamant about their success. His stable demonstrates a significant net worth BEFORE any breeding. With most holdings in Z1-Z4 horses, there much residual income to be made once breeding reopens.
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