THREAD : DC: 5 Times Amber Heard’s Mera Was Comics Accurate

1.Mera Falls For Aquaman: Mera’s backstory in the comics has been retconned to make it clear that she was never actually supposed to fall for Aquaman. She did anyway because she found him to be a genuinely good person despite what she’d been told about him
2. Costume Is Comic Inspired
Both Mera’s Justice League and Aquaman costumes are very accurate to the comics. The costume of the former is designed based on the one she wears to war in the comics
3.Her Ability To Draw Moisture From A Body:
Twice on screen Mera uses her ability to manipulate water in a unique way. She draws water out of people’s bodies with incredible control
4.Mera Does Not Understand The World Above The Water:
Unlike Arthur, Mera doesn’t spend any of her formative years on land. She lives and breathes for her underwater kingdom and its people. Mera values their history and their customs.
5.Mera Always Wants The Best Leader For Atlantis:
Mera cares deeply for Atlantis and its people. She places the safety and prosperity of the kingdom above anything else. As a result, Mera is always committed to the kingdom having the best ruler it can, even if it’s not her.
end of thread, once again wishing @realamberheard a very happy birthday
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