So before I learned to shoot and dabbled in shooting sports, I was under the impression that police were actually well-trained with firearms and practiced regularly and all that sort of thing, and one of the things that really shocked me was learning that isn't true. (1/x)
Everyone's always like "but why can't they shoot you in the leg" and the basic answers are

a) that's not their training
b) that's not something they practice
c) that's not the policy
d) they're not usually very good shots

SOME are... but mostly not. (2/x)
I actually don't think regular patrol officer type cops should have sidearms. I also think they have too many things on their Batman utility belts and they don't exhibit much evidence of using them with due care and practice and so forth. (3/x)
I think if you believe it's a shooting situation, you should have to call SWAT or whoever is your squad that receives actual meaningful training. You think that's too scary for a beat cop? Tough shit, y'all have been fucking up badly for a long time... (3/x)
...and obviously collectively as a group cannot handle your shit and keep murdering obviously innocent people.

You're constantly afraid for your life?

Maybe you should get a job you can handle. (4/4)
Also like... seriously? We're seriously out here like "why can't they shoot you in the leg?"

And LEOs and police departments are always like "well we don't have the budget or schedule for training" and I believe based on what I've read that that is accurate.

Maybe take it out of the budget for MRAPs and grenade launchers and wtfever.
I also remember seeing a posting for an entry-level police officer in the small town in Ohio where I used to live. You had to have a high school diploma and be willing to go to paid training and it paid $58k a year. TO START.
I sincerely don't think most people go into law enforcement because they've got a boner for being the asshole in authority and terrorizing communities, especially marginalized communities, but it's clear that's where it ends up. Aaaaand...
...let's not bullshit about this: if you've ever, say, hung around a cop bar (I have) or had friends who worked in law enforcement or as first responders, you know damn well there's an "us vs them" thing that develops in the culture.
It isn't really like that in lots of other countries. Here in Peru people are not literally terrified for their lives if they have to talk to a cop. And that's because mostly if you call them they don't shoot you on the spot, ffs.
I actually can't think of a single news story where someone called the cops and the cops showed up and shot them in seconds, here in Peru.

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