After my first expedition to Langann village (an island with a large Moken population in #MyeikArchipelago), I learned about the community's struggle with pearl farm expansion severely restricting their access to the ocean for food, income, and freshwater from nearby islands.
On my last visit to Langann for their annual Moken festival, I watched them pray to their ancestors & asked "why they've been forsaken with all these struggles?" It was very poignant witnessing this, recognizing that these men were one of the last few still upholding the culture.
The last junta approved these permits, the last NLD gov did nothing substantial to protect their rights. I saw the village elders leave their island homes for the first time to fly for the first time in their lives all the way to the capital to protest this expansion.
This #EarthDay2021 , I would like to remind people to protect and support indigenous communities in their efforts to support conservation efforts worldwide. They are part of our ocean solution.
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