This auction issue is so weird to me. Those of us who felt uncomfortable with the sale had valid reasons. Why are these weirdos vying so hard for the sale when I'm sure a good 95% of them couldn't have afforded it or would have tried to buy it anyway? Does that even make sense?
Because in essence they're harassing & attacking people to go to bat for.... a random designer that's worked with Bangtan ONE time & was trying to make a profit off Jimin's name? Jimin's not getting the money, so how the hell have they convinced themselves they're defending him?
If a good portion of these "fans" couldn't/wouldn't have participated in the auction to begin with due to finances etc, JIMIN wouldn't make any money from it because it's being sold by the designer AFTER he refused to let BH buy it from him... what LOGICAL stake do they have?
In the same vein, the auction being canceled hurts NO ONE expect the designers wallet because again Jimin doesn't benefit directly from it AT ALL. So again... what stake do they have in being outraged by this issue??
I doubt this thread will reach anyone it needs to (i.e. the people on the fence etc) if you take a step back it's pretty clear that some greedy and obsessive people are manipulating online outrage and pre-existing false rumors for personal gain or a 3rd party agenda here.
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