10 random facts from my secondary school days:
a little (troubling) story from my academic past

#FGCMinna #FGCMX #ProUnitate
This is the secondary school (high school) I attended. I was here for 6 years, 180 km away from home. (These pictures you see right here depicts the school in a much better state than it was when I attended it).

1. I slept inside broken ceilings (roof) for several nights...
...(and luckily, I never fell off, I could have fractured my bones).

2. I ate food cooked with boiling rings from a laundry bucket, with my hands, at midnight!

3. I drank brown colored water from the borehole and used my shirt as a filter for sand and stones.
4. I got electrocuted countless times by naked electric wires because there was hardly ever a socket.

5. I mastered the art of killing several species of snakes and scorpions with stones. I killed as many that posed a threat.
6. I never ever sat on a toilet seat - for 6 years! We all used the bush for our convenience. We called the bush "Kashi island", and I would squeeze torn pages from my notebook until they became a bit soft to use as tissue paper.
7. I was woken up every morning at about 4am with a loud bang on iron gates. I had to literally run out of bed in answer to the call. The loud bang was usually associated with a loud shout demanding for the “last fag in this block!”
The time granted for us to rise out of sleep in order to form queues in the cold courtyard was 5 seconds. 5 seconds max! otherwise you got flogged and severely punished.

8. I learned to be lashed with belts, sticks, wires, rubber etc. I was trained not to cry, or show weakness
...or even make a sound, no matter the intensity of the lash. It was called "Chesting it". I would boast to my friends by showing them the thick wounds on my back. Sometimes I won't be able to sit on a chair for days.

9. With literally only a 3-litre-keg of water...
...I took my morning showers, (and yes I managed it well, and was able to wash and rinse). I also brushed my teeth from the same 3-litre reserve.

10. Most Saturday afternoons were spent by using iron cutlasses to cut grass and thick bushes. This left me with scars and
... a host of blisters in my palm. This practice was called “Manual labour” During manual labour we were forced to recite a song that goes like this: “I am fag oh, I am a fag oh, I am a rotten banana…” I was caught several times not reciting it, and I was flogged mercilessly.
... My friends would say "stop being so stubborn! Just sing the song so they'll stop beating you!".

Today, I look back at those fun years and I reminisce. Lol!

And this is NOT even half the story. 😄
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