about this time every year, when prom memories come up, I think about my friend who asked his gf to prom, which is when her parents realised she was dating a Black guy and threw her out the house. her parents were and are widely regarded as upstanding leaders in the community
they took her back because the school threatened them but also the school agreed not to put any photos of the couple online, and she agreed not to put any photos on social media.
i think about this whole thing a *lot*, actually. usually when people say they 'don't have a racist bone in their body', because that's what her parents said. they were just worried about *their* parents cutting the grandchild out the will, you see.
i see some people being shocked at stuff like an upstanding white judicial officer shooting an unarmed Black man out for a jog, but consider this: this is the same damn social circle. These people all go golfing together, along with the Governor whose house is staffed by slaves.
so when a white person tells me that this isn't the 60's and things are different now, really all I hear is that they don't have Black friends and they don't listen to Black people. things aren't different.
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