1/n When our students show us the future. @UT_HistDept's Haley Price on her @ransomcenter research using the 1st English edition of Machiavelli's, Florentine Histories. The format for her Honors thesis on the Pazzi Conspiracy is video game! Beta testing
2/n starts next week so let me know if your students would be interested in helping her with that by playing the game before it is released. Haley started work on this project as a sophomore when we took her on as one of the department's digital history interns.
3/n Thanks to everyone who helped her - esp. Adam Clulow, Alison Frazier and @madmcmahon in the History Department; the Ransom's @aarontpratt for being so welcoming w/ our ugs & this collaborative series with @NotEvenPast on "Primary sources: History from the Ransom Center."
4/ For more on our ugs and developing History video games based in evidence and expertise, see here: https://notevenpast.org/designing-historical-video-games/
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