Good Morning Beautiful Shiny Folks. How many of you have ever seen one of these in real life? In my lifetime, several coins and even a bill or two have changed, the value has even changed, take this coin you are seeing, it was once only face value, then it was changed and all the
the new ones were put into circulation and the old ones were collected and taken out of circulation. Today those coins are worth more than face value... Moral of the story is you start out at face value, as you circulate you gain value ( life lessons ) we are even knocked down
sometimes ( taken out of circulation ) where we sit and reevaluate our lives and then we slowly get back up on our feet and start again with the knowledge we have gained and we go back out with more value than we started with. Strive to be a better you than you were yesterday.
Enjoy your day, lend a helping hand when you can and remember to always be good to yourself.. You deserve it.
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