For d next set going 4 bbnaija please try as much as u can 2 avoid disqualification. Follow house rules lyk everyone else. It shouldn’t be that hard. If not for anything, atleast so dat your fans can find closure. Elites still haven’t healed. I don’t envy them.
Erica is doing her best to move on 4rm d show but d fans are still crying abt how Laycon manipulated her and why he needs to be called out. This is almost 9months after d show. The said fave wasn’t a saint in the house. Looked down on her fellow women and threatened to kill a hm.
Fans of other hm found closure when Laycon won and accepted the drills of the game. Bt elites can’t relate. They don’t knw what it feels like to have a fave who won or who was evicted honorably. So they will forever wail lyk little babies on d wld have, could have and should have
So when you see them displaying their usual show of mental instability. Pay them dust icons. This is their last shot at revenge. But who hurt them in the first place??? The answer is simple: A fave who couldn’t give them closure😂😂😂
@DragsOf Miss neutral please pass this thread 2 ur coven. Ur undercover game is top notch. Hope u get paid 4 it though cos I’ll be mad if u don’t. You’ve been restless since morning. Jumping from one Laycon tweet to the other. Awww so sorry. You’ll be fine soon. July is close😘😘
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