How to tank a dungeon 101:

Check your healers gear to gauge how much you can pull.

Run to wall (or halfway depending on gear) while spamming you aoe GCD.

Reach end of wall.

Pop your 30% CD and your job specific CD.

Rotate CDs.


Rinse and repeat.
This game has been out for just under a decade and I'm so so very tired of the "nobody wants to tank because of the responsibilities" crap.

Every single time I've seen this discussion come up it's always about dungeon content. So here's how I learned to tank in FFXIV...
I don't want to berate people who have genuine issues with tanking if they are brand new to the role. So here goes;

1) Do hall of the novice. It will teach you the very basics.

2) If you are new to the dungeon, just tell people that at the start. *
* If you have issues talking to people in a MMO then I suggest you do dungeons with the Trust system.

I don't mean this to sound as a slight but this is a game where you need to communicate to beat objectives.

If you can't do that then content in a PvE MMO might not be for you.
3) Know your gear levels - If you are a number of levels out of date, say that to the group and pull smaller.

4) Understand the aoe potential of the group. A BLM, NIN, WHM combo is going to be real good both for your mitigation and clearing speed vs dbl SAM for example.
In most cases it is mathematically better to pull big as you get more use out of your mitigation tools.

5) Dungeons since ARR are not super complex and are essentially straight lines. Or use the map?

Not knowing "where to go" is something I only encountered in fucking Halatali.
Tank jobs in ShB are real simple. So the basics;

If an attack sounds like a tank buster, it probably is one.

Let's take the new dungeon as an example. The first boss starts casting "Critical Rip". TB casts are usually 5 seconds. Hit at least 1 CD in that 5 second period.
Also super good thing to remember. Bosses will either open with a TB or an AoE within the first 30 seconds.

In the new dungeon the first boss opens with a TB and the last with an AoE as an example.
With tank stance turned on, you no longer have to worry about threat/enmity like you did in the last expansions. Turn it on and forget about it.

At this point, you know what you CDs do right? No? Take a little read, but here are the basics.
All tanks have personal CD on a short CD timer with a short active duration.

This is Raw, Heart of Stone, Shelltron* and TBN.
Then there's a job specific 30% CD every 120 secs/ 2 min.
All tanks have access to rampart at 20% every 90 secs.
Reprisal is 10% (and applies via aoe)
Then we have some job specific CDs that work a little differently from the flat dmg reduction ones.

Camouflage on GNB is a 10% CD that increases parry rating by 50%. Which as I understand it is a 50% chance for that CD to be 20% every time you are hit by a physical attack.
WARs Thrill is a 20% increase to your max HP value. It doesn't reduce the dmg you take but allows you to take more and it increases the healing received by spells. (Cure, Adlo, Benefic and casted aoes).

Nacent is a 10% CD that heals you for 50% of the dmg you deal while active.
DRK has Dark Mind as its unique but this only works on Magic dmg and is a 20% CD.

TBN is the best skill in the game. A 25% shield based off your Max HP.

Abyssal drain is a aoe attack that heals you for its full dmg amount PER target hit. It's very strong in big pulls.
I haven't touched PLD but the caveat is that you have slightly less active mitigation tools because you have a passive chance to block any incoming dmg.

Hallowed is also very strong and if you are in trouble because you pulled too big, Clemency is good to help the healer.
OH secret hint that should be more common!

Arms Length stops you from being hit by knockbacks right?

Did you know it also slows enemies that hit you by 20%?

Which is a reduction in damage intake and thus a tank CD! Works great on large mob packs.
So there are some basics.

Look I'm not going to sugar coat this, you need to understand what you are getting into before queuing.

But even if you don't here's a thing you do. Read up on the job, on the dungeon or just ask someone.

It's what I did for most of my leveling.
Stop perpetuating these stereotypes and just fucking talk to each other please.

OH and if the dps pulls the mobs, either on purpose or by accident, just take them off him. It's more toxic to let him die than to just do the one GCD to take aggro off him.
"but why should I!?"

Your healer will probably not know you intend to let him die and will heal him. SO that if he dies the healer will then have aggro and then you need to decide if your stubbornness to not press one button is worth the life of your healer too :)
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