What does having an open democratic society do?

For those living in it - a whole lot of good. They get information that govts will generally not divulge. They get bad news and good news.

A comity of open democratic societies ensure smoother citizen participation.
However, there are flip sides. For an inimical closed authoritarian govt, these open societies are sitting ducks. They are divulging the inner workings of their society and govt to an enemy who doesn't play by the rules.
Case in point: pandemic.

The capabilities and breaking points of Western emergency response and healthcare system has been laid threadbare.

Not only that - China now knows how every population group / sub group responds to what is probably a very well characterized lab virus.
It would not be a stretch to say, China has truly weaponized genetic information.

Think about it. There is a good reason to be paranoid about this.

China now knows on average, what infects and kills a typical Indian, Japanese or Caucasian. It can, in theory, tailor the weapon.
In all this blame this party, blame that govt - we are missing the real enemy.

One country has unleashed this on an unsuspecting and a mostly forgiving world

They have not been punished.
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