ok here’s an opinion that would probably get me into trouble but has anyone ever noticed especially with genshin that Chinese media seems to be constantly held to western standards/ viewed through western lense but that doesn’t often happen for like japanese media
like I’m not saying it never happens for Japanese media right I just feel like anime fans will jump through hoops to say that like fascism is okay because their favourite anime is aot but genshin people will go to lengths to say that sworn bros getting together is incest
You know what I mean?? so like Japanese creators can be as racist as they like because people will stand in their corner like “it’s a different culture they don’t understand” when they DO understand what fucking racism is but like when someone tries to explain cultural nuance
to these same people suddenly every damn thing is black and white??? like damn just fucking say you have no respect for any culture besides Japanese and move on
I’m not trying to say that Japanese media is bad right I’m just saying that one country’s productions aren’t inherently better than another’s
like people will sit and argue all day long that it’s not fair to say that if someone went to calarts their art is inherently better than someone who went to another school but the same people will then insinuate that everything made in China is some kind of rip off
when huawei started up people were like “oh lol don’t buy one of those they’re made in China” LIKE??? so is your iphone Todd

before genshin was coming out people were looking at it like ITS A CHINESE RIPOFF OF BOTW like hello???
idk man the whole culture of treating everything that is Chinese like it’s either bootleg or inherently problematic because it doesn’t always translate to western culture very well......kinda boils my piss actually lmao
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