Spoilers for anyone attending my webinar tonight but I love talking about how current events can be used as inspiration for super-curricular activity to explore your subject, and today is a prime example! Why not have a search through the #EarthDay tag and see what you can find?
While you might think that this is only relevant for those subjects that directly deal with climate change, like Geography, there's actually plenty out there for other subjects!
For any budding Art Historians, lots of museums have been tweeting today about how nature has inspired artists throughout the centuries! I particularly enjoyed @vangoghmuseum's page here on 'Nature and the Artist' https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/stories/nature-and-the-artist
The list goes on, and using things like this as inspiration for your super-curricular engagement can be really fun as a way to delve deeper into topics you're already interested in, or discover new areas of research you'd never thought of before.
I'll be chatting about this and other current events in our 'Study Skills and Super Curriculars' webinar tonight at 5pm - if you'd like to sign up to the programme to attend live or watch the recording, head to https://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/link-area-webinar-programme
You can follow @SJC_Admissions.
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