1/ This morning @localglobevc , we took the first hour and a half of the day to have an open discussion titled "Let's talk about race". The discussion resurfaced a lot of the key learnings over the past 12 months on topics including race, diversity, inclusion, social injustice.
2/ I wrote down my learnings on #BlackOutTuesday June 2nd 2020 > a day of collective action to protest racism and police brutality in response to the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Re-sharing the learnings that stand true:
3/ Be actively anti racist. Not being racist isn’t enough, and won't drive the necessary change.
4/ There's no such thing as a non-racist if you have privilege. You're either racist or anti racist (which may be hard to hear).
5/ Covert white supremacy, also known as socially acceptable racism, includes acts such as not challenging racist jokes and being in denial of white privileges.
6/ #blackouttuesday (for many) was a start, there's no shame or judgement in that as long as you start somewhere.
7/ Be accountable going forward and actively set targets and goals to help show your antiracism and most importantly, and ensure you follow through.
8/ If #blackouttuesday was your start, it is only a successful start if accompanied by acts of antiracism
9/ #blackouttuesday has shown more people than ever want to support and drive change, but if you are still unclear on how, start with educating yourself through literature.
10/ Educate yourself on what natural privileges and biases you have, as only then can you unlearn them or at least use them responsibly to create change.
11/ Educate yourself on why black people can’t breathe. Feeling guilt is part of the learning.
12/ You will feel uncomfortable, you will accidentally say the wrong thing. But suck it up and swallow it because that is not what's important.
13/ The reality is that often people don't know what they don't know, so engaging on the topic is a critical first step.
14/ There will always be critics that feel what you’re doing is a tick box or PR exercise. But if you are genuine, and authentic, then that will shine through. Persist and get through it.
15/ Black people have stayed quiet and have had to swallow blatant racism time and time again to keep the peace. They've had to fight harder to show their worth and get knocked further for smaller incidents.
16/ Everyone has felt pain, but this pain is different. This is the result of racism and oppression.
17/ As a venture capital fund, it should be obvious, but having a diverse team means you will more naturally back diverse founders. Diverse founders will more naturally build diverse teams.
18/ On #BlackOutTuesday we had a moment in time, where we posted, we come together, and we actively tried to better understand. I would love to hear how people have put that understanding into practice
You can follow @EmmaRuth18.
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