i got curious as to why the date reveal kept on changing in the teaser like it was some kind of code, so i did some researching.

so the given numbers are 2021,20,2021052,11. when combined it gives us a decimal text β€œ202120202105211”

@official_ONEUS #BINARY_CODE #μ›μ–΄μŠ€ #ONEUS
translating 202120202105211 will give us the U+317B hangul syllable Sios-Nieun β€œγ…»β€.

Idk if rbw is THIS much of a big brain to pull this but β€œγ……γ„΄β€ could possibly be the initials for the title.

@official_ONEUS #BINARY_CODE #μ›μ–΄μŠ€ #ONEUS
An alternative decimal code i got from the teaser is 20212005211 (with out 2021 repeating after 20) and it translates to another hangul syllable which is β€œλ₯›β€ Ryugs.

@official_ONEUS #BINARY_CODE #ONEUS #μ›μ–΄μŠ€
given that the theme of concept for this mini album revolves around programs/codes, i think this is plausible for rbw to come up with.

if so, then kudos to them for actually thinking this one through. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

@official_ONEUS #BINARY_CODE #ONEUS #μ›μ–΄μŠ€
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