if anyone wants to buy or trade the following yugioh cards, i am looking for any and all sunavalon archetype monster cards, regular or holo

the cards i am selling/trading are all brand new and will ask for $10 for shipping, just privately message me for details
yugioh cards i am looking to sell or make a trade regarding

- shooting star dragon t.g ex holo
- update jammer holo
- hieratic seal of the heavenly spheres holo
- hieratic seal of convocation holo
- hieratic seal of supremacy holo
- danger! thunderbird holo
yugioh cards i am looking to sell or make a trade regarding

- dragunity draft holo
- emergency teleport holo
- xyz burst x 2 both holo
- time thief hack holo
- the monarchs erupt holo
- arkbrave dragon holo
- starry knight balefire holo
- mine mole holo
yugioh cards i am looking to sell or make a trade regarding

- lavalval dragon holo
- metalfoes silverd holo
- metalfoes goldriver holo
- miracle synchro fusion holo
- plunder patrollship brann holo (slightly warped)
yugioh cards i am looking to sell or make a trade regarding

- fiendish portrait (slightly warped)
- nine lives cat
- daruma dropper
- ghost meets girl - a mayakashi's manuscript
- salvage
- shiny black "c" squadder

i will be updating this thread in the near future
additionally, i am presently willing to negotiate the following cards if you really want them

- red supernova dragon holo
- fairy tail rochka holo
- fairy tail tales holo
- dark requiem xyz dragon holo
- phantom knights fog blade holo
- madolche chateau holo
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