Hello! back to oneus theory talk! for some people who want to make their own theories if you want the direct dialogue for each concept/story film here is a thread with all 3 word for word if you would like to go back to this to read when you need :) If we get more story films
this comeback I will get the written monologue in this thread asap! Have fun fellow ONEUS theorists!!! @official_ONEUS #ONEUS #TOMOON #oneustheories
Come Back Home Film
Long ago, the human world was ruled by six monarchs. They were admired by everyone. But the monarchs were jealous of Helios, the god of the sun. Blinded by the jealousy of the humans' worship to the monarchs, Helios threatened humans to make the sun 1/5
disappear forever.

Eventually, the frightened humans sacrificed the six monarchs to Helios. Helios sent the six monarchs and their servants to exile, and created a world of eternal night. Helios cursed upon them an endless thirst for blood from the humans they had cherished 2/5
so much. Nevertheless, the monarchs only drank blood from evildoers and continued to love and protect their dear humans.
However, the cursed servants were disgusted by the betrayal of humans. Every night, they slaughtered human beings without mercy. 3/5
They worshipped the moon and waited for a child to be born on the day of an eclipse. A child to be used for a ceremony to bring an eternal night. Eventually, on the day of the eclipse a child was born as predicted, & the devastating war between the monarchs & their servants 4/5
to protect the child lasted ten years.
In the final battle of the long war, the monarchs finally won. But as they tried to cut the neck of the last marquis who led the servants, "When the red moon appears again, I will come back for the child."
Then, the night sky turned red. 5/5
TBONTB Story Film #1
the night the red moon rose after a fierce battle the monarchs found victory. The souls defeated where sealed inside a necklace, the monarchs realize that as long as they existed together humans scape the bridal of pain. "call us ishmael." Leaving this 1/2
statement the monarchs also relinquished their souls into into the necklace. Helios gaze disappeared into the eternal darkness beyond the unreachable sun. 2/2
TBONTB Story Film #2
Meanwhile Helios grieved the loss of his son Phaethon. His grieving sorrow turned to anger, and that anger soon fell upon the monarchs. Who later fled to the darkness. Helios stripped away the monarch's power and imprisoned them in a chamber; made from 1/3
the shattered remains of the Sun Chariot. Sending them into an endless slumber, the only way to ever regain their strength and to escape was in taking the blood of the prophetic child's decedents; which they so dearly loved and tried to preserve this was the most powerful 2/3
curse that Helios could bestow upon the monarchs. Hundred years have passed since they have fallen into their slumber 3/3
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