10 Useful Github Repositories for all Software Developers covering below subjects:

- interviews
- books
- javascript
- apis etc

1. freeCodeCamp:

The freeCodeCamp community’s learning platform is quite popular, with nearly 250k stars, more than 10k forks, and hundreds of new issues and pull requests each week.
2. You-Dont-Know-JS:

Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know JavaScript is without a doubt the unofficial reference book for the freeCodeCamp community.

3. free-programming-books:

A frequently updated list of free resources. This repository is a well organized compilation of material collected from many parts of the world. It includes books, podcasts, websites, developer tools etc.

4. Bootstrap:

The Github account of Bootstrap, the well-known responsive web design framework. The repository provides mostly technical information, but also has additional links to other useful sites.

5. coding-interview-university:

Googley as Heck created this repository to document his 8-month process of preparing for the Google interview. It includes a detailed list of the things you should know to pass Google’s infamous whiteboard tests.

6. essential-javascript-links:

Eric Elliott’s JavaScript Links repository was for a long time the most popular resource list within the freeCodeCamp community (It was recently dethroned by vhf/free-programming-books).

7. d3:

D3 (Data-Driven Documents or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards.

8. awesome-python:

Billed as a “curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources”, this is a great place to start if you want to get better at Python.

9. You-Dont-Need-jQuery:

This is a well-known repository that focus on solving typical programming problems with the use of vanilla JavaScript. This repository’s rise has been closely tied with the rise of React.

10. Public APIs:

A nice and frequently updated collection public APIs. The APIs are even broken down into categories, which makes exploring them much easier.

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