There's a short blog post and a couple changes to the primer. You can feel free to read them. I'll post the few relevant pieces here:

1. The cube has gone up in size by 24 cards. As a result it now drafts as 3 16 cards packs.
This is congruent with the paper cube having a similar change and me liking how it plays.

2. Learning. I dig Learn and Lessons as a mechanic. Sadly they're a hard sell for cube because you have to dedicate slots to the lessons and the low number means running junky ones.
Anyways, my fix was simple: For each Learn spell you draft you get to pick any 3 lessons that aren't in the cube to put in your sideboard. You can pick up to 1 of each rare, up to 2 of each common and uncommon.
A couple other notable textural changes are:

An increase in spell based interaction.

Big Red is back as an archetype.

Red now has the highest Walker count at 8.

Some Gold card changes and suite adjustments. (Lurrus and egg style mana rocks is a easily visible example.)
I'm testing a total of 31 STX cards. I'm confident in about 17 of them.

There was a total of 19 non-STX card changes. A flat 50 card swaps in total.

If there's any curiosity about specific changes feel free to ask here or make a comment on Cube Cobra.
And that's the thread. Long winded. Do a draft, leave some comments and let me know what you think.

Cheers all. Be well.
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