•Arya Samaaj opposed मूर्ति-पूजा & अवतारवाद
In the same way, Islamists & Xtians opposed मूर्ति-पूजा & अवतारवाद.

•Arya Samaaj wrote विशुद्ध version of hindu texts(demeaning the original graMthas in the process).
Xtians also wrote their own elaborations to demean hindu texts.
• Arya Samaaj abused our dharmagurus, day & night.
Xtians & Islamists did the same.

• Arya Samaaj questioned the ईश्वरत्व of Shri Rama & Shri Krishna. Xtians & Islamists did the same.
• Arya Samaaj criticized & opposed Varna Vyavastha & Varnashram dharma.
Xtians & Islamists did the same.
Now here comes the best part:
Arya Samaaj is fighting for hindu cause. While Islamists & Xtians are our enemies.

How? जो हिन्दू धर्म का मूल तत्व है, उसी को ये आर्य समाजी खत्म कर देना चाहते हैं। क्या इस तरह हिन्दू अस्तित्व बचेगा भी? फिर यह धर्म-रक्षा कैसे हुई?
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